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Hindu Funeral

The ultimate objective of life, according to the Hindu religion, is to attain “moksha,” or salvation, which entails ceasing the cycle of rebirths and becoming a part of an absolute soul. Hindus dump their dead bodies on the ground as soon as they are about to pass away. They place a tulsi leaf and a small amount of Ganga River water in the mouth of the person who is about to die. People in attendance recite prayers and chant mantras. It infuses the air with uplifting energy.

Christian Funeral

According to the Christian funeral ceremonies, it is believed that the deceased should be clean before entering Heaven, hence the body should be washed and dressed. They place the body in a catafalque, a covered box, where it is presented in a casket. The deceased’s hands are crossed and resting on his or her chest. After that, they lay a prayer book or rosary on the deceased person’s body.

Islamic Funerals

Islam is one of the oldest religions and is spread all across the world. Their funerals are unique and simple. According to Islamic Funeral Services, the deceased should be washed shortly after passing away. This entails giving the body a warm bath. They use a white simple fabric (Kafan) for shrouding because they value simplicity and modesty. The deceased may thereafter be visited by well-wishers who wish to express their condolences.

Buddhist Funerals

Buddhists believe that death is only a passage from this world to the next. A wake is held so that mourners’ loved ones can pay their respects and see the departed. Buddhist funeral rites can be performed either before cremation or burial, or they can be performed after, depending on personal preferences.

Jain Funeral Services

After demise, there are many things to take care of and do. You have to make many arrangements but we help you to do those arrangements. Jain religion sings their last prayers. We make arrangements for all these.

What People are saying

Thank you for keeping the word and arranging just the good decorations that we needed. The van looked incredibly beautiful in all respect, and we were: satisfied with the skill and sophistry in transportation. Every arrangement Was planned perfectly, and we were able to cremate our grandfather with the—. utmost respect.

Rajan Das

My Father passed away last Friday and I had absolutely no idea of how to arrange for his funeral services. I was in Delhi with my Mother while my brothers were still in the US. I chanced upon your website and called the number without any idea of your organization and what to expect. From the moment Praveen picked up the phone that evening, I felt I had a family at Antim Journey. My Mother was deeply moved by their dedication and commitment. I could not have asked for a better send off for my Father. I know this is a business model for you but I want you to know how deeply it impacts the lives of so many. My best wishes to you and your team.

Suresh Singh

Thank you Antim Journey couldn’t have asked for something better than giving this last gift to my beloved husband. I appreciate your work as no one expects the most unexpected. Life/Death catches us in very difficult moments and a good supportive system at this difficult time is by far the best one can give.






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